Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Sunday, 2 October 2011


Three things amaze me
no, four things I'll never understand -

how an eagle flies so high in the sky,
how a snake glides over a rock,
how a ship navigates the ocean,
why adolescents act the way they do

Proverbs 30:18-19 (The Message)

I read this in my bible reading this morning. I read from a very modern version known as The Message. The book of Proverbs was written over a few hundred years, 970 BC to 686 BC. I smiled when  read this. It is interesting to know that adolescents were difficult to understand 3 thousand years ago and still are. I teach troubled adolescents and why some of them do the things they do is beyond understanding!

Young people are risk takers, and today we understand that their brains are still forming. The human brain isn't finished forming until the age of 25. Parents and society in general have had to face the same problems with adolescents over the ages and no doubt will have to well into the future.

But the exciting thing this weekend has been my new loo. On Friday night P:-) told me he had a present for me. I spent the night wondering what it could be - he did warn that it wouldn't be romantic. On Saturday he produced this:

A toilet cistern ! Luckily he had warned me it wasn't romantic. It was for my en suite attached to the main bedroom in my house. The toilet had ceased to work properly unless the lid was left off and so usually looked like this:

Now I have a beautiful new pristine toilet that looks like this:

I really should have taken this photo after cleaning up the bathroom but you get the idea. The cistern is smaller than my last one so the wall beside it will need a bit of doctoring. Now I will no longer be too embarrassed to let someone use the en suite if necessary. (Actually there are a couple more things to add to the toilet so I will post another photo when all is complete.)

While i was giving P:-) a hand (by standing around!) I took some photos out of the en suite window.  This one is looking south west across my next door neighbor's yard.

This next one is looking west over my back room.

An then this is turning a little towards the north.

So as you can see I live in the trees - and love it!

Saturday evening we went to the Nonabel, Lebanese restaurant for Daughter R's birthday.

It was a lovely shared meal. Not much on the primal diet. with lots of Lebanese bread and beans, but I really enjoyed it. There were eight of us: my mother, my brother, Daughter R and Partner B, Daughter J and Partner F and P:-) and myself.

I must mention my miniature coriander garden. Two of the seeds have popped up.

You can just see the second shoot immediately behind the fist one. It looks like a tiny green circle. It is just starting to peek through.

And speaking of gardens a first pandorea jasmanoides alba in my front garden.

This is a vigorous native plant I put in years ago. It has sent out runners all over the garden. I love them but other people who help me in the garden such as P:-) and neighbors think they are a pest and do me a favor by ripping them out. But they always win  out and pop up somewhere, even when they are covered with layers of newspaper and mulch. I don't have many flowers in my garden as it is so shaded and these are good for picking.

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