Yesterday we went up to Sutherland on the southern outskirts of Sydney to P:-)'s granddaughter's second birthday. We went to Funorama, an activity center for children. We had a lovely time.
The Fairy cake, made by Grandma, had delicious icing!!
On the way to the party we stopped at the Helensburgh house of P:-)'s daughter and son-in-law.
Most of the gyp-rocking of the interior walls has been done. The house is very small at the moment, basically just 4 rooms, but there are plans for extensions. Here is a view of the back.
As you can see there is a lot to be done. M and B are living with P:-) until their place is finished enough to live in. The bathroom and kitchen still need to be fitted out.
I received my next issue of Vintage Caravan Magazine.
The publishers have given me permissioin to use some of their articles in my blogs and in this issue I was particularly taken by the Propert Caravan No.39.
This is a small folding caravan built in the early 1950's.
These are not great photos as I had some difficulty overcoming the shine on the magazine.
The interior seems quite spacious compared to the tiny size of the van.
If you would like to view a short video on this caravan and see exactly how in unfolds click on
If you like beautiful pictures of forest go over to Gwen Bell's Align Your website and have a look at the video on that page called Growing is Forever. It is about the forest and really beautiful.
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