Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Saturday, 3 January 2015


"Sometimes it's just good to
get out your memories
and laugh." -Jesse

Quoted in My Wild Eden 

Nothing momentous happened to me during 2014. Nothing catastrophic happened either and I am thankful for that. A highlight for me was that my daughter and her husband found a house only five minutes away, so it is easy to pop in for coffee.

Here is a pictorial summary of my year - 2014 - month by month. I enjoyed putting the images together and revisiting my year. How quickly it went.













My favourite month was December.  I always enjoy the run up to Christmas.

In August I turned 60. It doesn't seem very long ago that I thought 60 was ancient and yet upon reaching that age I feel no different to the way I felt at 16. (Except I can't jump as high!)The only compensation to turning 60 is the knowledge that all my friends are in the same boat. We are all aging together.

I have a few plans for the year. I really want to get my house in order and brighten it up. My beautiful daughter R has been organising me along these lines which is exactly what I needed.

I want to get rid of a lot of stuff - I have far too much clutter. I feel as though it saps my energy.

My garden has run away pretty well unchecked for years, except when my wonderful brother and P:-) have had a go at it now and then. I really want to get on top of it this year.

I want to increase my sewing and spruce up my wardrobe.

And I want to increase my craft output.

I have the time to do a lot. Finances are limited so I shall have to be artful.

But I am looking forward to this year. I wonder what it will bring.

Interesting sites

 Ordos Museum in Gobi Desert

Photo source
Shaped like a large undulating blob in the Gobis Desert, the Ordos Museum is clad in polished metal tiles that are resistant to frequently occurring sandstorms. Galleries inside the museum are housed in smaller blobs, connected by bridges.Click here to read more

Seal wanders 20 miles away from home.

Photo source
We’ve all heard the saying “Not all who wonder are lost,” but for this grey seal, there are no excuses. He’s definitely just plain lost. Click here to read more.

Half electric bike - half electric car

Photo source
The Lit Motor's Lit C-1 combines elements of the electric bike and the electric car. It features electronic gyroscopes that allow the vehicle to stay upright in the event of a collision! Click here to read more.

1 comment:

  1. I like a new year - not for resolutions but for fresh a new start. The old is a part of me but I forge ahead and have the opportunity to create something new or brighter and better. It invigorates me. That's also why I like Mondays (a new week) and a new month. Loo forward to seeing you again in a few months!


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