Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Friday, 16 January 2015


Oh to be organized!

I have my grocery lists and weekly menus extremely organized. I know exactly what is is my cupboard and freezer and when it is to be eaten. It is a bit too complicated to describe here but suffice to say my system works very well. When we had a couple of late evenings this week after working hard all day I didn't feel like cooking when we arrived home so looked up 'the book' and found suitable meals ready in the freezer. Nothing gets lost in the bottom of the freezer.

So I have decided to work out a similar system for the organization of my household in general. I have started a book of cleaning with sections for each room and things to be noted each day when they are done. I am starting with my bedroom. I have a wardrobe overflowing with clothes, and many just lost at the back, and down the bottom of drawers. When I started on it today I was surprised at some of the clothes I found that I had forgotten. I figure a little bit done each day and ticked off in my book and I will have my clothes organized. If I add a room each week I should have the whole house completely organised, including cupboards, in three months. Of course I will get busier and busier as the weeks go on, but maybe if I do it gradually and document it I will get into a good routine.

Once I get this daily schedule going I will start weekly, monthly and yearly ones.

I'm quite excited at the prospect.

It was my daughter J's birthday last week.  She turned 35. How quickly the time goes! It seems no time since the day she was born with a cranky look on her face and masses of black hair. I am not supposed to write about her in this blog so don't tell her I have told you about her.

J is an artist. Most of her work is sculpture and lately she has been doing a lot of felting. She makes weird creatures like the one below.

She is running a workshop in Ballarat in April. You can read about it here.

She is represented by Gallery 9 in Darlinghurst

You can see some of her work here on Flickr

I am very proud of her.

She loves rabbits so I made her this  little felt rabbit in a bed in an Altoid tin as part of her birthday present.

 And I made her this card.

I have written a bit about  Davistown  before on this blog. P:-)'s family has had a holiday house there for over 100 years, one way or another. His grandmother who was a head mistress bought it in the early 1900's. It has finally had to be sold and this old framed poem below was amongst some of the last stuff to be removed. It belonged to P:-)'s uncle and was given to me.

At the bottom it says that this was read by His Majesty the King on an Empire Broadcast. I would love to know its history. It has pride of place in my entry hall and it is a special memento for P:-).

My daughter R and I have begun walking in the mornings. We take a 20 minute walk  from her home down to Towradgi Beach and back again. Forty minutes in all.

Life got in the way a couple of times last week but we managed 3 morning walks.

The moon has been looking good lately. I took this from my front yard the other night when it had a ring around it.

I finally took down my Christmas decorations and found Wilbur (Read about him on a previous blog) sitting amongst them with a cheeky look on his face.

 Interesting sites

 Container homes

Photo source

A luxury home doesn't always necessarily mean thousands of square footage, towering great rooms and gilded toilets. Take these homes for example: to begin building one of these epic houses, all you need is $2,000. That $2,000 will buy you a shipping container. Read More:
All you need is about $42000 to build one of these epic homes - made from recycled shipping containers
All you need is around $2000 to begin building one of these epic homes – made from recycled shipping containers! Check out some of these amazing creations! Read More:
luxury home doesn't always necessarily mean thousands of square footage, towering great rooms and gilded toilets. Take these homes for example: to begin building one of these epic houses, all you need is $2,000. That $2,000 will buy you a shipping container. Read More:
A luxury home doesn't always necessarily mean thousands of square footage, towering great rooms and gilded toilets. Take these homes for example: to begin building one of these epic houses, all you need is $2,000. That $2,000 will buy you a shipping container. Read More:
Click here to read more.

Mini camping ideas

Photo source

Mini have designed some great camping ideas.
Click here to see more.

 BEAUTIFUL abstract paintings of the sea

Photo source
Artist Samantha Keely Smith paints abstract oceanic landscapes that are at once menacing and serene, a clash of light and color that she refers to as “internal landscapes.” Using oil paint, enamel, and shellac, Smith uses an additive and subtractive process by partially destroying her progress several times before completion.
Click here to see more.

1 comment:

  1. I know someone who stays organised by never unpacking their (non-perishable) groceries from the boot of the car. They say it is like having your own corner store. When they run out of something they just go and look in the boot. I think it is a great idea!!

    You're not packing Wilbur away with the Christmas decorations are you?


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