Every moment you have a choice, regardless of what has happened before. Choose right now to move forward, positively and confidently into your future.
My plan when I wrote this on Christmas Eve was to post it at the end of the day. Unfortunately things got ahead of me and I didn't get it done. So I am posting it now, 4 days later. Christmas Day and Boxing Day were hectic. It took me Saturday to recover and I am only getting back to things now.
All exhausting but great fun. I shall spare you all the details but I will let you read about my Christmas Eve.
I woke up at 5 am in the morning so I could be down at Woolworths by 6 am to finish my final grocery shopping. I arrived about 6:10 and found Woolworths already abuzz with shoppers. There was a queue about 50 metres long outside the fish shop nearby. Seafood, especially prawns, is a traditional food for Christmas in Australia these days. Some enterprising charity had set up a sausage sizzle next to the queue and shoppers were munching on sausage sandwiches as they were waiting.
I began my morning with a silent prayer for order in my day. I had wasted the day before. Sometimes I panic and find myself sleeping instead of working. Tuesday was such a day so at least I was rested for my early start on Christmas Eve but I didn't have the luxury of panicking a second day. I had far too much to do.
Number one was to organise my chocolate and walnut fudge. I planned to give all P:-)'s children a jar of homemade fudge.
Breakfast consisted of a scrape of the fudge mixing bowl. You can find the recipe here.
Next I cooked the chocolate self-saucing pudding for Christmas night. I was having my family for dinner.
Then the apple and raspberry crumble.
Great. Dessert was finished before lunchtime.
I decorated a branch in my entry hall with crocheted snowflakes and bells. I am rather fond of branches.
You can find the pattern for the snowflakes here.
Meanwhile I decorated a smaller branch for my daughter R.
I crocheted small stars and threaded some small silver beads on dark yarn and hung them on the branch.
Next I made a Hokkien Noodle salad for tomorrow.
And a lentil salad. (No photo - This is where I started to run out of time.)
I wrapped the fudge and attached cards.
I had crocheted little mice in beds for P:-)'s 5 grandchildren as part of their Christmas presents.
So I wrapped them in small silver packages.
P:-) and I went to church for a carols service at 9 pm Christmas Eve.
We had a great Christmas. Brunch with some of P:-)'s children at their house. Dinner with my family at my house. And Boxing Day lunch with all of P:-'s children and grand children and some extended family and friends. It's all a bit of a blur now.
I hope everybody had a great Christmas.
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