Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Friday, 2 November 2018


Back again after quite a long break. This past year or so I dealt with some health problems and depression problems (not related) but now I am well and happy and looking forward to the run up to Christmas which is my favourite time of year.

I questioned starting up my blog again. Is it just self indulgent? Is it just plain stupid? But I love to write and a few people said they missed Piggywhistles so I decided to give it another go.

I started writing my blog for a couple of reasons. The main one is to help me look at the positive things in my life. Life events have made my life different to that of my friends. But I try not to focus on these differences and appreciate the small moments in my life. Sharing these moments on my blog makes me stop and take note of the good things in life.

I often write with my friends in Canada in mind, letting them know a little of my life here on the south coast of Australia.

And so to the quote above by Rosa Parks; 'I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.' This is so true for me. One of the mottoes I live by is,  'You have to have a plan.' I find if I don't have a plan, time just slips by and I don't get things done.

Now I am retired, days can just slip by without me doing anything much at all. I need to make a plan for the day; for the week; for the year. 

When my children were younger and had problems they needed help with we would always devise a plan to help solve the problem. I think this made them resilient and gave them some problem solving skills.

A few weeks ago I made a plan to restart my blog on the 2nd of November. I finished this post but on that day I got cold feet.

Then I came across this quote:
The enemy of a good plan is a perfect plan. 
 (Carl von Clauesewitz)

This quote spoke to me and so I clicked 'Publish'.

A walk in the Botanic Gardens

A few days ago Peter and I took a walk in the Wollongong Botanic gardens. Because it is spring, many of the flowers were out. Below are a few photos of the gardens.

I took a special interest in the red poppies. My mother has just knitted 30 of them to be worn on Remembrance Day, 11th November.

These red poppies bloomed between the lines of trenches and in 'no man's lands' on the Western Front in World War One. In the 20th Century wearing a poppy for Remembrance Day became established in English speaking Western countries. These poppies are also known as Flanders poppies.

John McCrae was a poet and a doctor from Ontario, Canada. At the age of 41, McCrae enrolled with the Canadian Army following the outbreak of the First World War. He fought in the Second Battle of Ypres on the fields of Flanders in Belgium. Alex Helmer, McCrae's best friend was killed at this battle. McCrae performed the burial service himself and noticed how quickly the poppies grew on the graves of fallen soldiers. The next day he wrote the following  poignant poem.

         In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
  That mark our place; and in the sky
  The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead.   Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
  Loved and were loved, and now we lie
      In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
  The torch; be yours to hold it high.
  If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
      In Flanders fields.

Interesting sites

1. Chapel turned office

Photo source

This chapel in Belgium has been turned into an office and juxtaposes the old and modern in a really interesting way, Click here to read more.

2. Tiny octopus on floating trash

Photo source

This tiny octopus was found by researchers floating on a piece of plastic in the ocean. Click here to read more.

3. Australia - the successful rich economy

Photo source
We tend not to see our nation with the fresh eyes necessary to maintain perspective about where we’ve come from, where we are, and where we might be going. Click here to read more.



  1. Beautiful poppies! And yes you are resilient! <3

  2. No your blog is not stupid! you are amazing! Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom.
    yes from Canada

  3. So glad you are back in blog land and that you have seen your way past some of the issues that were dogging you. We hope to be back in town within a few weeks, it would be great to catch up.

  4. I am glad you have started your blog again. I look forward to them! XOXOXOX


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