Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Saturday, 30 June 2012


Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
Ryunosuke Satoro

This will be my last post for a week or so as P:- and I are going down to Merry Beach for a few nights in our caravan. It's a bit crazy going in the middle of winter, but the South Coast of New South Wales is very beautiful at this time, and it is cheap.

My garden has yielded a few surprises. I spied these toadstools growing near some rock lilies. The large one is about the size of a saucer.

In the picture below you can see a third toadstool behind the first two.


I love toadstools. It is a shame that they last such a short time. I have no idea what these are but I shall try to find out.


The wattle in my garden is at its full blown best. It will be long gone by Wattle Day on the 1st September.

Wattle is the national flower of Australia. That is where our green and gold colours come from that we wear in international events.


There were a couple of callistemon sprouting from bare branches. 

Callistemon is also an Australian native.

The wind has brought down some pieces of old, twisty vines.


P:-) has a little trouble seeing the beauty in these old gnarly vines, but I love the way they have twisted around each other.

Interesting sites

Photo source
Click here to read about a couple of tiny houses. 


Photo source
This is a very strange Pied Piper Duck Show in Australia. I don't think I really approve of it, but click here to see some strange photographs and read about the show. 

Photo source
 Click here to read about the Faroe Islands 

1 comment:

  1. I love mushrooms and toadstools too.

    And I love the twisted vines. Nature is full or surprises. You have a good eye for them.

    Enjoy your caravan holiday. I hope it's not too chilly.


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