Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Monday 23 January 2012


 Life is not a having and a getting, but a being and a becoming.

 Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)

I often wonder if people 'with everything' are happier. Are people with millions of dollars happier than me? Are people with beautiful big houses or expensive cars happier than me? I would love to be able to buy houses for my two daughters. That is my big dream. But other than that I am quite content. I don't have a lot of money so I don't think too much about the future and retirement isn't an option, but that is OK. I am happy.
Creating, relationships and knowing God make me happy.


I still have a week before I go back to school. I have decided that perhaps I should explore my back garden with you. I seldom go down there. It was my husband's 'baby'. He left me 6 years ago for somebody else and it used to make me too sad to go down there. But I am slowly recovering and think a daily trip down there would be good for me.

You start on the back deck, shrouded by Lilly Pilly tees.
Lilly Pilly at back deck.
Closeup of Lilly Pilly flowers

There were small honey eater birds feeding on the Lilly Pilly flowers but they were too quick for me to photograph.

View of my back yard from my deck.

Path at side of house
When you walk down the side of my house from the back deck you walk under a beautiful big tree fern. I love it!

Thrifty Shopping

I came across this bag at the Salvation Army Store for $3. It is in very good condition.

It fits in well with my other 'tapestry' luggage. One bag (on the right below) is actually tapestry - made by my mother. The other is another Salvation Army Store find. They are really only for camping (except the real tapestry bag which is used on other occasions.) But I really enjoy having a 'set' I can have partially packed, ready to go.

Set of tapestry bags
They don't look too bad from a distance.

Interesting sites

 Six great caves to call home. Click here to read about them.

Photo:Tiny House Listings
  Click here to see some great pictures of this floating beach hut made from driftwood.

  Click here to read about the making of this LEGO dividing wall.

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