Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Monday 14 November 2011


Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything 
That's how the light gets in.
 Leonard Cohen
None of us is perfect but that is what makes us special. (At least that's my take on Leonard Cohen's lines.He just writes it so well!) I read a lot of Joyce Meyer and she often writes about clay pots with cracks in them to let in the light - a biblical allusion I think.

The weather her has been very hot. It was very pleasant to go to Bible Study yesterday afternoon, into the air conditioning. Even though it was 4:30 it was still very warm, and not much cooler when I came out at 6.

The front of my church

Side view of my church
We are studying the New Testament book of Romans but for various reasons there were only 4 of us there yesterday.

I am a collector of all things toadstool. My daughter J very kindly presented me with this toadstool toothbrush holder she came across while shopping.

Toothbrush holder
I love it. It is very cheerful. Rather than use it as a toothbrush holder I am going to attach it to a mirror in my bedroom.(I was too difficult to get a proper photo of it on the mirror.) If I could find a test tube I think it would make a nice little vase. I shall have a look on the internet and see what I can find.

Art around the house

While I was arranging things in my bedroom I noticed this lovely magazine holder my daughter R painted for me a number of years ago. I love lighthouses and the sea.

Sometimes I just get so used to things being around that I don't notice them any more.Writing this blog and taking photos of the things around me has made me take a lot more notice of things, which I think is good.

Interesting sites


Not to everybody's taste, but I love this house is Oslo, Norway. Click here to have a look through it.

Click here see Africa's first plastic bottle house in Nigeria

Just imagine lying inside this beautiful greenhouse by the lake. Click here  to see more.

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