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Friday, 21 October 2011


Newly painted hall floor

The three coats of paint on my hall floor are finished. There are still quite a few details to finish in the hall, but it will be possible to finish them without too much trouble, so I am going to concentrate on those things and try and  complete the hall. I do plan to put a floating floor in there but this gives me a bit of a reprieve.
Hall before floor was painted
When I actually thought about it I hadn't painted my hall floor for a number of years. It was always meant to be temporary.

Hall with newly painted floor facing East

The lighter pale color lightens the hall.

Hall with newly painted floor facing west.
As you can see I still need some skirting boards and some of the architraves need another coat of paint, as does the back of the door. I am a great believer in form follows function so I am happy with the brick wall.

I have P:-) to thank for painting the floor. He did the three coats and he makes NO mess. No extra drips anywhere. No paint on his hands. I am very impressed!

A great step

The step looks great. This was the step before P:-) fixed it and painted it.
Step before being fixed and painted
The step had been like this for many years.

Finished step.
Now the step looks great. I have been so embarrassed about the entry of my house for many years and it does look a lot better. Keep posted for more improvements

Flowers out the back door

Outside my back door I found a double headed Bird Of Paradise flower, other wise known as Strelitzia Reginae.
Double Bird of Paradise flower.
Bird of Paradise plant.
The photo above is looking out across my neighbor's back yard from my back door. Now that P:-) has fixed my back door and I can use it I notice so many things I had forgotten about.

This lemon scented geranium, otherwise known as Pelargonium Crispum has been outside my backdoor for 30 years. It is very pretty, but I am so used to seeing it I barely notice it any more, even when I am looking for flowers to put inside, of which I have few.

Lemon scented geranium
I tried to take a photo of a flower with a bee on it. It was impossible in just a minute or so. The bee just kept moving. My admiration will now increase for photographers when I see photos of bees on flowers.

Art around the house
Carved flower
This carved flower was done by my mother many years ago. It was one of the first things she carved. She subsequently completed a number carvings, some of them quite intricate. I shall show you some more in further blogs.

Interesting sites

A superconducting disc is set above or below a set of permanent magnets. It appears to be flying. Check it out here. Don't let a lack of scientific knowledge stop you. It is fascinating to watch.

 I love old caravans. This one has really been done up inside.  Click here to see its spectacular interior.


This is a beautiful office in Spain, sunken into the ground, giving a lovely view of the Autumn forest floor. Click here to read more.

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