Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Another Month Gone

“Scatter  joy!” 
 Ralph Waldo Emerson

Another month has gone so quickly. We have almost finished term 4 and then we will be into the final straight before Christmas.

I seem to be so busy. My diet with Manshake is going well. I have lost 4 kilos this month.

Peter and I continue our bike riding when we have time. Last Sunday we rode from Towradgi out to Bellambi.

My rock orchids are blooming. They put on a beautiful display but unfortunately only for a short time.

Last month it was Mitchell's, Peter's youngest son's, 30th birthday. The family held an Oktoberfest birthday (with a minimum of alcohol).

This is me dressed up for the party.

Somehow I had the idea that putting flowers on my head would make me look younger but I think it had the reverse effect.

They hired the Hut Dog to cater. At first I thought, "Oh no!". I hate hot dogs and thought I would just have to have a bun and margarine. But then I discovered these were gourmet hot dogs with not a frankfurter in sight. There were a number of gourmet sausage choices including a vegan and vegetarian option.They were delicious. I ended up having 2 vegetarian ones. I have actually bought same sauerkraut  this week to try and replicate them.

Peter and I went to the circus at Warrawong. It was surprisingly good.

I was impressed that the main animal trainer who was fantastic came out later as a clown. Other performers also multi-tasked.

And yes, there were animals there but they were obviously greatly loved. They use positive reinforcement to train the animals, and even with the lions - I wasn't expecting lions - there were no whips. The trainer constantly rewarded the lions with food. The ring master explained how they look after the lions on the road. They have an area they can roam in and an indoor area which has split cycle air-conditioning and a heated floor in winter. No longer are they just kept in cages.

These were animals that were bred in captivity and not particularly big. I must admit I may not have gone if there had been lions involved but I was very impressed. Apparently they are likely to live up to 15 to 20 years in captivity, but only 8 to 10 in the wild. I am interested to have a look at the area they are kept in  during they day.

I also enjoyed the clowns which I usually don't. They were very clever and modern.

I have been very lax on the craft front. I made a snowman.

My friend Michelle has been doing wonderful things at Platypus Creations. 
Go over and have a look at what she is making. 

Interesting sites

 Garden Igloo

Photo source
I want one of these garden igloos. A PVC cover makes them an all weather item. Click here to read more.

 Small shark eaten by bigger shark

Photo source

Things were bound to get weird when two men decided to fish right next to a nuclear power plant.

Palm Beach Pete.  Click here to see the video



  1. sauerkraut yummmm. I love it. You did look very sweet with the flowers Lindy.. xoxo

    1. I think sauerkraut may be something I have been missing out on. I have bought some to try at home.xoxo

  2. I thought you looked lovely in the flowers. Your rock orchids gave an enviable display. I like the multicolour blanket stitch on your snowman. As you noticed I have been busy on the craft point, so busy I have worn out that little machine I bought for camping. So hand sewing for now and yes, snowmen and a santa already to be posted soon! Just a few weeks now and we'll be home! Ready to meet up and craft again together! LOL


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