Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Thursday, 17 December 2015




Only a week until Christmas day!

I have done lots of wrapping of little things. I am trying to establish some traditions at P's place for his grandchildren. This year we gave P's 5 grandchildren aged 2 to 6 a stocking full of little things I collected from the Internet over the last few months.
Below is some of my wrapping.


Here is Wilbur Pig with a few of the stockings.


I finally put my wreath up. I have a basic silver wreath which I decorate each year. This year I bought some cheap plastic cherries on special at the 'cheap shop' and wired them onto the silver wreath. I added a sparkly pink bird, a few silver bells and a red and gold bow. I think I will stick with this and keep it as a permanent wreath.


My basil is growing well on my kitchen windowsill. I have great difficulty with it outside, but it is flourishing here. It is lovely to have it so close- just pick a leaf when I want one.


I made this little Christmas diorama for a friend. I plan to make a few more.

 I placed rocks on the bottom, then I filled it with peat moss mixed with green acrylic paint and Aquadhere. Then I added the other features and some glitter. I am  pleased with the way it turned out.


This is the official 2015 photo of Jasper with Santa. Santa is actually my brother, dressed up at Animal Pet Stock Fairy Meadow. People brought in their dogs for photos and the money went to Wollongong Animal Rescue Network.

Jasper is my grand-dog. He belongs to my daughter R. Go and watch Jasper and his friend DJ  here on YouTube.


Interesting Sites

 Couple turns box truck into home

Photo source
 Bill and Becky Goddard run Rustic Campers, a business dedicated to turning your camper, van and/or motorhome into the home sweet tiny home of your dreams. The couple has even turned a box truck into their own tiny home on wheels. Click here to see more.


How the Earth got its nitrogen

Photo source
 Nitrogen may have arrived on Earth in ancient meteorites after the planet had already formed, according to a new study.Click here to read more. 

 MIT researchers discover why rain smells.
Photo source

 Do you love the smell of freshly-fallen rain? If so, you’re one of many who love that earthy smell, reminiscent of the first days of spring or putting your hands in newly-turned soil. In case you ever wondered, that smell has a name, Petrichor. Now, scientists at MIT may have figured out just what releases that smell — and other aerosols — into the air. And they  have managed to captured it all on video.Click here to see the video. 


  1. Your wreath and Christmas Diorama are beautiful

    1. Thanks Michelle. They were good fun to make.

  2. Ha loved the photo ..Jasper and Santa! You are so talented! xoxo

  3. It is a special photo of my grand-dog and his great uncle.


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