Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Monday, 26 August 2013


 Another week has rolled on yet again.The weather has been beautiful. It is going to be our warmest winter on record. Our last summer was the hottest summer on record and we had out hottest day on record. It certainly makes you think about climate change.

Spring is almost here - only 4 days to go. The ornamental plum trees on my neighbour's footpath are in full bloom.

My native rock orchids or Dendrobium speciosum are also blooming.

I still have Jasper. He is very happy to lie on me whenever he can. Here he is below lying on my hip on the lounge. He is great company and I am going to miss him when he goes. The main difficulty is that I don't have a yard suitable for dogs and this causes a few problems.

P:-) is spending a lot of time in my back room getting the part where the ceiling and walls join perfect. Instead of putting up a cornice he is doing it square set which means it is just going to be at 90 degrees.

It is taking him a long time but he is doing a great job.

Interesting sites

Eco-lodge in Sweden
Photo source
Click here to read about this eco-lodge in Sweden. Make sure you listen to the wolves while you are there.


 Yacht frozen in ice
Photo source
 Mar Sem Fim (“Endless Sea” in English) is a Brazilian yacht that was shipwrecked, sunk and subsequently got frozen in ice in Maxwell Bay of Ardley Cove, Antarctica, about 1,200 kilometers south of tip of South America, in April 7th, 2012. Click here to read the story.

 How to be happy when your world is falling apart
Photo source
Although this article is entitled How To Be Happy When Your World Falls Apart it has some good advice for everyday living. As a person who hates to be criticized I found point number 5 below very useful.

 5.       Don’t take anything personally.
Whatever people say and do is all about them.  They’re trying to satisfy their own agenda.........

 Click here to read the rest of the article.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure Jasper is being very spoiled! The plastering is looking good. xoxoxox


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