Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Sunday, 14 October 2012


 To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition, the end to which every enterprise and labour tends.

Samuel Johnson

I have made a decision to finish up work now and take leave until the end of the year at which time I will be made redundant. So I have finished up my work at the small school where I was teaching. 

I am trying to remain cheerful and on top of things but I guess this is one of those big changes in life which can really affect you. Being made redundant was a bolt out of the blue. I thought I had a safe job for at least another 10 years.

I have given things a lot of thought and visited a financial adviser.

My most realistic option is to look at retiring which means I will need to sell my house and go for something smaller. This means considerable reorganizing and culling and fixing of bits that need fixing.

Meanwhile life goes on.

P:-) and I attended the 3rd birthday party of P:-)'s eldest granddaughter. It was held at Woronora Dam.

Number 3 balloon

 The birthday cake was beautiful and delicious!!

Birthday cake.

The weather wasn't very good but we were under a covered area so all was well.

Nothing sparks my excitement  like a parcel from Amazon on my doorstep.

Parcel from Amazon

This was a book I bought with a birthday voucher from my brother G and his partner D - Walden  by Henry David Thoreau.


It is the 150th Anniversary edition and has beautiful photos of Walden Pond and the surrounds.

Walden Pond
Walden Pond in Autumn

Question number 5 in the keys to the heart is:

What are your strengths?

I considered this question and nothing much came to mind. But I see myself as a strong person in general. There are some difficult things I have had to deal with, and am still dealing with in my life and I feel I am doing this is a positive way. I feel that I can deal with whatever life throws me and do it in my stride with God's help.

I am creative.
I have a good sense of humour.

As I gave the question a little more thought loyalty came to mind. I am very loyal to the people I love. And then something else which I think is a strength  is that I can enjoy the small moments in life. I try to enjoy 'the journey' not just the destinations.

This is what this blog is about - my journey.

Interesting sites

Photo source
 This house is very unassuming on the outside but beautiful inside. Click here to see more.

Photo source

Click here to see a cute video made by a year 5 student who experiments with food and sizes of chicken eggs.

Photo source
  Click here to see some beautiful nature photos.

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