Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012



Happiness is essentially a state of going somewhere wholeheartedly, one-directionally, without regret or reservation.
W.H. Sheldon


I am planning to sell my house. Not immediately but within a year. I have a backroom that is unfinished and tends to be a dumping ground for everything that doesn't have a home, or that I don't have time to sort. In order to finish this room I need to clear it of furniture and boxes.

 So I have begun with my desk area. 

This was my desk pre-tidying. 

Untidy desk.

My desk was covered in things that needed filing. So I got stuck in and voila! A tidy desk.



This was probably the easiest part to organise. The rest of the room is bags and boxes. A lot of it is filled with school stuff but I will have to cull and cull because when I move it will be somewhere smaller.

On Sunday P:-) and I drove down the coast about an hour to Nowra. P:-) was looking for a new car and we just decided to take a drive.


It was a beautiful Spring day. We drove through the hills past Kiama.


Kiama hills

 On to the small coastal town of Gerringong,


 And then Geroa and Seven Mile Beach National Park.

Geroa and Seven Mile beach.

 From there it is through the dairy farms along the Shoalhaven River.


Along the Shoalhaven River
Old silos and shed.


 In the end P:-) bought a new van back at Albion Park He takes delivery of it tomorrow. He had a smaller van, a Townace, but we have bought the caravan since then and he wanted something a bit more powerful to pull it.



Interesting sites

Photo source
 Click here to see an interesting article on container houses.

Photo source
Johnson and Johnson are to remove all 'chemicals of concern' from its products by 2015. Click here to read more.

Photo source
 The world's largest roof top wind farm has been unveiled in Oklahoma. Click here to read more.

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