Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong

The last week has been very quiet. P:-) and I spent a quiet weekend at home.

 On Tuesday I visited Centrelink, the Australian agency that deals with welfare payments. I am being made redundant at the end of the year and I went to find out my entitlements if I don't manage to find another job. They were quite bleak. I have to live on my redundancy payout first and then I will receive $489.80 per fortnight until I find another job.

The small school I teach at is being closed down and the buildings used to set up a similar school under a different umbrella organization.

The small school where I teach.

 I have applied for a job in the new school but the wheels are grinding exceedingly slow. I am still waiting to hear about an interview, after sending in an application in May.

I bought these pretty polyanthus for a science experiment at school.

We have no science equipment or facilities at school, so we do very basic science. This was an experiment on the needs of plants - light, water, soil. We have a control plant that gets everything and then 3 other plants which are deprived of one of the needs.

I have been commenting on some of the blogs that I read, and one that I really love is In My Wild Eden. I don't know that name of the blogger although I feel I know her very well through her beautiful poetry. She writes short, graphic, evocative poems - usually just a few lines - but they are always full of intense imagery.  Beautiful photographs accompany each poem.

And as an introduction to her blog she writes :

I was born to walk country roads and to gaze into vintage skies.

Interesting sites

Photo source
This looks like a beautiful house to live in. Click here  to see more. 

Photo source

  Click here to read about these recycled fish sculptures. 

Photo source
Study finds western world  must halve meat consumption by 2050 to feed growing world population. Click here to read more. 

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