Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Sunday, 4 December 2011


It is impossible to fail totally if you dare to try.
 Robert Schuller

 Christmas angel

As I write this a possum is running over the roof straight above my head. For relatively smalls animal they make an awful lot of noise. My roof is unlined so the noise isn't muffled at all. It sounds more like a gorilla than a possum. I rarely see them. They never appear in the daylight as they are nocturnal. Occasionally at night I hear them hissing at each other. They don't bother me at all, although they have managed to find their way inside on several occasions over the years and then they are a bother. Perhaps the most amusing was years ago when I woke to hear the keys clicking on the computer keyboard in the room next door. On looking I discovered a baby possum playing on the keys.

Christmas decorating

I decided to add a bit of color to my entry hall for Christmas, but I kept the blue theme.

An added bonus was catching the light at the right time and seeing this play of light on the wall.

De-gunking the deck

My deck is covered in lichen and black 'stuff'. 
Lovely lichen on the deck

I am quite fond of the weathered look, but P:-) tells me it is not good for the wood so we gave it a coat of Wet and Forget.
The sprayed deck

According to the instructions on the Wet and Forget you apply it and then just allow the weather to take over. Apparently it can take up to 12 months for all the gunk to disappear.

Pressure spray

I applied it with the pressure spray above, but it wasn't a particularly good one, and poor P:-) had to keep pumping it the entire time I was applying the stuff. But it was good to get it done. I had been going to do it for months.

Coriander garnish

We had curry for dinner, garnished with the first pickings of the miniature coriander garden. It had managed to flower so I included the flowers. I don't imagine they are poisonous. Flowers of herbs are usually edible.

 Interesting sites

This little car is called the Tilter because the seats tilt like a motorbike. It would be great to park.Click here to read more about it.

 This is an residence housing two deaf parents and two small hearing children. Click here to read about it.


This is an unusual restaurant inside and out. Click here  to find out more.

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