Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Leaf in my garden

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Every day when I first get into my car and start driving I think of 5 things I am thankful for. I try to make it a habit. I am usually in my car at the start of the day. There is very seldom a day when I am not in my car at some stage. The five things I am thankful for today are:

1. I am thankful that I am on holidays and have some time to relax.
2. I am thankful for my family - my daughters, mother and brother.
3. I am thankful that I have P:-) and will be seeing him today
4.I am thankful that I have my house I love
5.I am thankful for my health.

Today it is fairly general things. Sometimes it is more specific things. Sometimes it is hard to be thankful. I do not feel like going to work. Or I may just be a bit angry. It is good practice to turn my thoughts from something negative to positive and despite the uncertainties of the future, be thankful for what I have now.

I am thankful to God of course, but even if there is no God in your life, just the attitude of thankfulness will help you to appreciate what you have.

Sky at P:-)'s place

Last night we bought takeaway dinner and went to the Berkeley boat ramp. The child in me still loves to feed the seagulls.

Seagulls at Berkeley boat ramp

These are just a few seagulls left after the main feeding frenzy. My daughter's partner B has a sister K who has set up a new takeaway food business with her husband. They are having a hard time of it. So P:-) and I are patronizing it every week. K doesn't know who we are. I feel sorry for her - she always looks so sad and tired. I know they have sacrificed a lot to get this business underway. They are only in their late twenties. You have admire them for giving it a go. I hope things work out for them.

Today I gave my footpath a bit more of a haircut. But first I had to pull the whipper-snipper apart -AGAIN. I am quite good at pulling it apart, but tired of doing it just about every time a do the grass. The plastic cord always seems to disappear down inside. I'm sure I do everything right - tapping it on the ground as I go. But to no avail.

Whiiper-snipper insides

It was only very cheap -$37 a few years ago. I bought it because it was electric and very light. Maybe I need to go up a version or 2 to get something that works a bit smoother. I end up not clipping the grass enough because I know I have to pull the thing apart first.

My front footpath

Actually I think my front footpath is looking rather good for my front footpath. I even raked up a lot of the leaves and broken bark. That will make good mulch for the garden. That is the next line of attack. Pruning, weeding and mulching. Watch this space.

Interesting sites

 Click here to learn how to make a terrarium necklace for yourself or a friend.

Jim Duran's mini dioramas are found in sardine tines. Click here to see more of his art.


Rolling Homes

Click here to see some great photos of rolling homes.

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