Choose life. Life is wonderful.

Friday, 9 September 2011


After a few sunny, warm days Spring has reverted to cold, damp weather.

This was the view from P:-)'s place, looking west towards the mountains. The clouds were like cotton wool just hugging the top of the escarpment.

The wet weather didn't dampen the bright pink of the grevillea  in P:-)'s back garden.

And the water drops seemed to highlight the pink and green hues of the succulent

I love dandelion seed heads.

Above is the small school where I teach. It is an old church which makes a great teaching space. It was built in 1900.

This is the main entrance to the school. There is a covered outdoor area where the students eat lunch. Further on is the main teaching space.  There are only 2 weeks left in the term. I am really looking forward to the holidays to get lots of things organized. Hopefully Spring will really have arrived by then.

1 comment:

  1. Where did our Spring go? Hopefully it will be back with a vengeance this week.


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